A brand is more than just a logo

A brand is more than just a logo

In this article we'll name a few basic elements we consider necessary for any brand image project

Oftentimes the concepts of logo design and brand design get mixed up, and while they're undoubtably related, they're not quite the same thing. The scope of what can be done with a brand can be underestimated, and some businesses end up settling for just a logo.

A logo is the simplest form of identification a company has as its disposal, while a brand is how someone feels while interacting with the company. Due to its own definition, a brand is under constant construction, and while it can't be fully defined there's some basic elements that once chosen help us deliver a consistent message.

Brand guidebooks or guidelines are a collection of these elements, aiming to:

  • Give the brand consistency.
  • Define standards and rules.
  • Give the brand's users tools.
  • Avoid confusion.

Basic elements that make up brand guidelines:


The company's symbol. It's advisable for it to be simple, easy to remember, completely vectorized and not a photograph. We always recommend for it to be a composition of graphic elements and text that suits the target audience.

The brand guidelines explain its variants, applications, and what modifications can or can't be done.


It specifies the typefaces that will be used for different applications: Titles, long texts, ads, complementary messages, video and other situations where communication involves text. 

Color palette

Colors have a hugely important role to play, since they will define your image. Every color invokes different concepts and sensations - For example, when we see yellow we usually associate it with heat because fire and the sun are depicted using this color. 
By sensations we mean how colors make us feel -  For example, green and blue give us the feeling of serenity and harmony. 

The brand guidelines specify the main and secondary (as many as necessary, though usually not too many) colors that will give users the feeling of being within our brand universe.

Images and their treatment

We become more visual everyday, everything goes in through our eyes first , which is why the images we use are fundamental for building cohesion and differenciating ourselves: What type they are (pixels, vectors), how they're used, if they use filters, and if typography or other elements come into play.

In conclusion

Brand guidelines are essential for keeping our brand image consistent, unique and (most importantly) ours - Specially given that plenty of people will interact with it, both from inside and outside the company. 

Since these guidelines will define the standards to maintain the brand image, it's important to spend the right amount of time and resources on them in order to do it right. 

In this article we've merely mentioned a few "basic" elements we consider necessary for almost any project, since there's different needs for every business.

At Solcre we can work on your brand, be it a big business or a small start up, creating the elements necessary for your every need. If you're interested in knowing more, contact us.

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